We’ve all heard the old adage about not judging a book by its cover. While this is very much applicable in terms of reserving your judgement in regards to other people, it does not hold true in regards to creative web design. In fact, one of the first ways consumers will judge your business is based on your website. Remember, you only have one chance to make a good first impression, so investing in engaging yet affordable web design is an absolute must.
The internet has created a culture of instant gratification, as consumers have become accustomed to receiving information at incredible speeds. Apps and social media platforms allow consumers to be continuously “plugged in”. In fact, nearly 80% of consumers browse the web while watching television. As such, your business really can’t afford to skimp on web design services in order to get your brand noticed and build recognition.
Content marketing has become all the rage, and rightfully so. Ironically, companies will invest thousands on developing seo content solutions and creating marketing content yet fail to invest an equal amount of time or money into professional web design. This is a fatal mistake. Content marketing and effective web design support each other. Having one without the other will result in your strategy becoming null and void.
Many companies, particularly small businesses, may be concerned with the costs associated with creating a new website or revamping an existing one. Not to worry, affordable web design does exist, and may not be as expensive as you think.
There are several factors that play into what it costs to create a website. for example, if you have an existing site that simply needs to be updated, this will cost significantly less than building an entirely new site from scratch. Or, you can choose to have your web design and development team work off of an existing web design template. This will also reduce costs.
It’s understand that companies need to cut costs, however, investing in an well designed website is essential. Affordable web design allows companies to have the best of both worlds; an effective website that’s easy on the wallet. Find more.